Collect Hello Kitty Dinner Set

Sunday 20 November 2011
I havent tried this before but i thought i would post and let you all know anyways:

(Link will open in a new window/tab)

This is what your collecting. CUTENESS

Its like another magazine but its recipes instead (i think).. but you get an item from the dinner set in every issue! and when you subscribe you get lots of HK goodies.. you get your first issue free, HK place mats, HK magnetic board, HK binder, HK bag & a HK table cloth! =D 

Im considering it! =P i believe your first issue is £1.99 but its free if you subscribe.. and each issue onwards is £4.99 =) 


Hello Kitty Forever said...

Oh my.... I am so tempted. Everything looks shooo cute >.<

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