Sunday 13 January 2013
Oh dear, a year ago since i last used my blogger. :-| oops!

I have turned to more of a silent blogger now just mainly reading/watching other peoples blogs for now, might start blogging again but for now i think i shall just put it on hold and just do my nosey around instead.

Bye for now.
-Pinklux <3

NEW Build a Bear Hello Kitty!!

Thursday 19 January 2012


Dont you just love her?!
She will be mine!! 


Hello Kitty iPod Dock

Monday 28 November 2011
Another thing im considering getting..
Available at HMV £47.99

Hello Kitty iPod Dock.

Also available:

Hello Kitty Polariod Camera + Film

I am think seriously thinking about buying this for myself after xmas!

They are made buy Fujifilm!
They are just like the old polariods back in the day but a little bit more modern.. 
They have a flash and buttons at the side to zoom in/out, lighten&darken your image & shows you how many pictures you have left to take. When you take your picture the pictures comes out the top and within 1 min the picture is developed right there and then =) 

There are reviews on the camera on youtube just type in "hello kitty fujifilm instax camera".

This is the Hello Kitty polariod camera: 

And this is the film you can buy for it but you can also buy plain film too. The size of the picture with the hello kitty camera is smaller than the 210 below though. You can see an example of the size on the film box here:

There is also this camera which is the one i am thinking about getting as the pictures come out bigger..This also has zoom, lighten&darken & flash.

Fujifilm Instax 210: 

This is an example of the picture size on the left side of the box 
and you can see where the picture comes out of the top:

Sites that sell super cute/kawaii things! =D

Thursday 24 November 2011
I had a look at all the sites personally and OMG they all sell amazinly cute stuff! from clothes to jewellery to candles!! CHECK THEM ALL OUT!! THEY ARE WORTH A LOOK! =) 

Examples from the site.
These are studs!

Exampels from site. (the above is a cushion)

Examples from the site.

Bacon scented candle! (incase you couldnt see the label)

(mainly craft things but cute!!)

Examples from the site.

Examples from the site. (this is a pillow)

Mitsubishi Hello Kitty Car!

Tuesday 22 November 2011
Firstly.....AHHHHH!! toooo cute! =P

The head rests are soooo cute!!         

BUT sad thing is only ONE person get to own it...that is one lucky person!

Read more here

Taken from the link above:

The one-off special will be displayed at the Mitsukoshi department store in Tokyo's Nihonbashi district from July 25th - 31st 2006. From the 25th to the 29th at 10:20 AM local time, interested buyers can register for the opportunity to buy the car. At 10:30 on the 29th, one name will be pulled and that person will be allowed to buy the car for ¥2,100,000 -- 200,000 of which goes to Japan's UNICEF. (For our American readers, that purchase price translates to a little over $18,200 USD.)

Collect Hello Kitty Dinner Set

Sunday 20 November 2011
I havent tried this before but i thought i would post and let you all know anyways:

(Link will open in a new window/tab)

This is what your collecting. CUTENESS

Its like another magazine but its recipes instead (i think).. but you get an item from the dinner set in every issue! and when you subscribe you get lots of HK goodies.. you get your first issue free, HK place mats, HK magnetic board, HK binder, HK bag & a HK table cloth! =D 

Im considering it! =P i believe your first issue is £1.99 but its free if you subscribe.. and each issue onwards is £4.99 =)